

AFRICAN Wax Patterns pack of 35 Africa – digital paper scrapbook – printable


33 in stock


—————————————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————————————– $$$$$$$ PROMOTION 20% OFF FOR 10 ITEMS IN THE BASKET $$$$$$ WITH CODE = AGOHBUY10 whatever you choose ———————————— —————————————————————————————————————– 35 AFRICAN WAX PATTERNS by AGOHPatterns inspired by the Deutch Wax you can find in Africa patterns I created this collection which can be used to create many things like invitation cards, t-shirts design, home decoration, scrapbooking etc… In this instant download you will have a pack containing 5 zipped files including 7 files 12 * 12 inches ( 300 dpi / 2 Mb by file ) C A U T I O N ——————————————————————————— no paper sent – no fabric sent only DIGITAL JPEG FILES You will download once the payment done. —————————————————————————————- *************** WARNING COMMERCIAL USE: for any commercial use of these reasons you must pay a commercial license corresponding to the number of articles you wish to create.§ion_id=28046141 ************** The images come without filigree These designs are a AGOH patterns creation INSTANT DOWNLOADING Thanks for purchasing